When the husband’s away, the wife will….

Daniel always helps me with the issues I have trying to blog…and since he’s not here, I can’t figure out how to link the Apple Music song…c’est la vie.

Baby when you’re gone I realize I’m in love
Days go on and on and the nights just seem so long

Fill in the blank! When the husband’s away, the wife will……What do you do to kill time while your husband is traveling, and you’re left at home with the little ducklings? And guys, if for some reason you’re reading this (waiting for Daniel to write another post I would guess!), what do you do when your wife leaves for a few days? Single moms and dads, how do you relax at the end of a long week?

Daniel has been away for a work trip this week, and I’ve found myself a little lonelier than usual. Yesterday was the first day of school, so I shipped the kidsoff and immediately realized I better find something to do or I was going to lose it. Let’s be real…I’ve been ready for the kids to go back to school for a while now, but sending them off was a little emotional.

So… I came inside and started rearranging our bedroom! I even bought an area rug today and installed it all by myself. I am woman; hear me roar! Usually while Daniel is gone, I do some sort of organizing, rearranging, cleaning, decluttering, or throwing out all the crap the kids won’t ever notice (but if they were around, they would cry and say how much that little toy from McDonalds means to them!)

I always want Daniel to come home and see that I actually did something while he was gone. 😉

Can anyone relate with me here?!

Another thing I do while the husband’s away is EAT. Guys. I eat like a cow. Seriously. And I don’t really know why. I eat popcorn like a champ. And cookies. And junk. All of it. Then I realize how crappy I feel, and I knock it off. Usually.

Are you relating with this too?!

As I enjoy time with the kids, I also think the clock is against me. There’s something about not having your husband walk in the door around 5:00 that makes the evening feel a million hours longer than usual. So when the kids’ bedtime hits, I’m ready to put them in bed as quickly as possible and have some time to veg.   All alone. Without any interruptions as I catch up on Big Brother or Million Dollar Listing. Ah, heaven.

Along with all this ridiculousness, I also try to set some sort of goal while he’s gone. This time I’ve decided that I won’t watch tv each night unless I’ve read one of the gospels. Daniel has been gone 4 days, and I’ve successfully listened (not read…because it’s so awesome to have the Bible app where you can listen!) to one gospel each day of the week. I have really loved connecting with Jesus again after summer where routines and quiet time fall short of what I’d like.

Sometimes my goals are to make it to the gym everyday, write some blogs, catch up with old friends, journal, or just sit and listen with the Lord. It totally helps the time go by and refreshes my soul while Daniel is far from me. What is it that you do? What do you learn about yourself or others when you refresh? Or maybe life gets too crazy while the hubs is gone and your time to connect and refresh is when he returns.

While going through the gospels this week, I heard God saying over and over again, “It’s not about what you do or what rules you follow. It’s about your heart and the way you love me and love others.”

So, let’s chat. I’d love to hear about your life and the ways I can help you get through hard times and encourage you, too.  I want to hear from you and get to know you, my readers.

Let’s grow together in this journey that is the soundtrack of our lives.



  1. Kelly Heet

    Like you, I feel like the days drag on when the hubby is gone for work. Thankfully those trips don’t happen all the time or for terribly long, but they can really change the whole dynamic of a house. The last one happened after going back to work, and I was so worried that I wasn’t able to make it. But there we were at the end, all happy, healthy, and totally fine.

  2. Allison Laidig

    It’s so true! Daniel comes home tomorrow and I’m happy and ready 🙂 Thanks for commenting! It’s great to hear from you!

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