Making It Home

I see You in everything, all day
And every beat of my heart keeps reminding me
I see You in every little thing, all day
No matter where I go I know Your love is finding me
I see You in everything
You’re all up in everything

Well I did something I haven’t done for many, many years. I peed my pants. Oy. This is probably the most embarrassing moment of my life… Thankfully, I was by myself! I felt so silly.  I had lunch with a friend, drank way too much water and didn’t make a stop at the restroom before I left (Mistake #1). Then I ran a couple errands on the opposite side of town (places without restrooms I might add)- and I decided instead of stopping and wasting time to walk into another place, I would just wait and make it home. I could make it home, right?! SO CLOSE.

Every red light was misery. I was sweating. Window down- too cold. Window up- not enough air. The ridiculous thing was, there were many places I could’ve stopped along the way, but instead I kept praying, “Lord, just help me make it home!!”

And then later I thought God might’ve been saying to me, “I gave you so many places to stop along the way!!” But I was stubborn and didn’t want to. Instead, not even a mile from my house, I peed a little (maybe more than just a tiny bit). Ugh.

BUT I try to see God in everything. So in this metaphor, I began to think…Maybe it’s not about getting “home.” Maybe it’s about that stop you don’t want to make on the way there.

A  dash into a gas station (where everyone wonders why you’re running), or a bolt into your husbands office where you’ll embarrass yourself because you’ve already unbuttoned your pants in order to let off some pressure and be able to make it quicker when you get to the bathroom… these might be uncomfortable, but they are so worth the relief you get when you arrive home without having to jump out of the car before the garage door is even high enough to pull into the garage!

Hey, I’m not saying home isn’t the best place to go, but I am saying, maybe it’s time we just step out of our comfort zone and take advantage of all the places God has perfectly placed along the way for us to stop.

Is there a person you’ve been dreading running into? A call you’ve been avoiding? A conversation you know you have to have but are resisting? Maybe it’s time to make that uncomfortable stop and just do it. Pray about it, and then step out of the comfort of your own personal space and make it happen!

I hope this post made you laugh, and I hope you understand how thankful I am for leather seats. I hope you know you aren’t alone in your full bladder problems, and most of all, I hope you know it’s worth it to stop along the way home to love someone who needs it and to see God in every little thing all day (even something as ridiculous as peeing your pants).

This is just the soundtrack of my life.


  1. Beth

    Thanks for your honesty! So on our next lunch date I’ll encourage you to use the restroom before we leave 😉 now to ponder what I’ve been avoiding!

  2. Anonymous

    Oh friend! We’ve all been there! But I love that you really looked at this as a lesson, and shared the way to learn from it. The lesson speaks to me directly, and I needed the extra push today!

  3. Sonja Risser

    😂🤣😂Thanks so much for being real!! A good lesson in missing Gods provision around us since our focus is elsewhere. ❤️U!

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