Week 3 – It’s not easy

If you are anything like me, it makes perfect sense to assume that if God directs you towards something He will make all the pieces line up and it will be smooth sailing from that point on. I sure wish it was that way, and unfortunately, this is rarely the way God works. But man…I just want it to be easy. “Come on God, I did the hard part and said ‘Yes.’ Give me a break and just let me coast now.”

This week has been a bit like that. I’m now 3 weeks into training, and I am exhausted already! On my last run, I felt myself getting discouraged because it wasn’t getting any easier. Actually, it seems like it is getting harder. I’ve been so committed and consistent; why is it like this God? You told me to do this, so why is it SO stinkin’ hard??

Here’s what He showed me: 

God never said it was going to be easy, actually following God is rarely easy or safe. Ask the apostles who died for Jesus. It might not seem fair or right, but I think God intentionally designed it to be this way. If it was easy, I know I would quickly stop relying on God. If I could do it all on my own, I wouldn’t think I need God’s strength or direction anymore. I’m convinced that in order to live the fullest life, it isn’t about looking for the easy way, but it is about complete reliance on God. Life will be hard, but it’s in those times that we can draw even closer to our God who is always faithful. 

So I’m just going to keep running. I’m going to keep sweating. I’m going to keep being exhausted. And I’m going to keep clinging to God through it all.

This week in prayer

At church this past month we have been focused on Dangerous Prayers. Its inspiration and parallel resource is Dangerous Prayers by Craig Groeschel. It has been such a mind-shifting series that encourages our prayers to not just be self-fulfilling, but prayers that are aligned with God’s mission and call us into action. One Sunday, we were challenged to pray not just a “Save Me FROM…” prayer, but a “Save Me FOR…” prayer. 

This past week I found myself frequently asking God to save me from being tired. If I could just be more in shape, all this training would fun. In light of praying dangerously, this week my prayers are going to be, “God, you can save me from being tired if you’d like, but what I really hope is that You would prepare me for conversations… Use this time to prepare me for the people I will be interacting with, for those you will put in my path who don’t know You like I know You, for those who need You. Prepare me so that I am ready for others.”

A word of hope
A word of encouragement
The Word of Promise
To some single mother that is struggling 
To some father that is frustrated
To some young folk who don’t know which way they ought to go
To speak his word “my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory”

Gotta keep it pushin’
Gotta keep it movin’

One comment

  1. Mary Hornic

    Your blogs are so inspiring! Your mountain climbing is not an activity that I would ever even think about attempting but I’ll be listening for the whisper of the next difficult situation God is calling me to do for Him and others!
    Continued prayers for your training and safety!

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