God Doesn’t Make Mistakes

Don’t listen to them
‘Cause what do they know
We need each other, to have, to hold
They’ll see in time, I know

This post is dedicated to all those kids who may feel like they were a mistake. May you know you are deeply loved.

A few months ago, Daniel and I attended a seminar at our church called Teaching your Children Healthy Sexuality led by Jim Burns. It was eye opening, and he did a fabulous job making us feel comfortable with such a taboo topic. While we were there, we got a great list of resources, one of them being a book called How God Makes Babies made especially for 6-9 year olds. You may think this is too young to start talking, but if kids don’t hear it from us, they are going to hear it somewhere! Most adults today got “the talk” from their parents. Jim shares that to be effective, you can’t just have one “talk” with your kids. He stresses the importance of an ongoing conversation as the kids grow and have questions. I would encourage you all to check out his blog and attend one of his seminars if you can! It’s worth your time.

So we read the book. And there were a lot of hilarious comments, giggles, and disgusting faces from our kids, which was great! But right at the end, Daniel and I were talking about how God made this special bond to be between a husband and wife. All of a sudden, Christopher’s face changed from laughing and happy to tear filled eyes and a quivering lip. He said, “Does that mean I’m a mistake?” And his tears started to fall. And my heart sank.

Dear Christopher,

Come stop your crying/ It will be alright/ Just take my hand/ And hold it tight

You, my little love, are not a mistake. God knew you before you were ever formed. He set you apart to live a life for Him (Jeremiah 1:5). God took something that was not in His will or the way it should have been done, and he made beautiful you. You are such a special boy, and you have so many talents and gifts to share with the world. You are so energetic and such a great leader for those younger than you. I see the good in your heart and the joy of Jesus. I can’t wait to see what God does with your gifts. You are going to change the world!

When you were a baby, I would sing this song to you as I rocked you to sleep in our little apartment. And I would cry tears of happiness.  You didn’t know all the hardships that were going on around you. You were just beautiful in a world of chaos. You made me laugh and smile when times were tough.

We are so lucky to have found Dad, Gabe, Emma, and Levi! Our little two person family turned into a family of six, and it has been so much fun watching us grow together. See…God knows what He’s doing. Sometimes we have to go through rough stuff to get to the good stuff. And here we are.

God makes miracles out of messes, and He doesn’t make mistakes, my dear one. If anyone ever tries to tell you anything different, you remind yourself of the truths you know, and cling to Jesus. Those thoughts of being anything but amazing are lies from Satan. Tell him to “Beat it and get outta here.” He’s got no place in your life. God is on your side. And so are we. We love you more than we ever thought it was possible to love!

Look at all the fun we have together and the adventures we share. You add an element to our family that no one else could. And sometimes life is hard, but we are in this together. We’ve got your back. Listen to the things wise people teach you, and rely on the God who knew you before any of us had a clue you would surprise us in this world. I can’t believe God gave ME the task to be your mom. I am one lucky lady!

So now, though it seems disgusting and so far away, one day you may find a beautiful woman of God that you love and will want to spend your life with. And on your wedding day, I hope we can dance to this song.

You’ll be in my heart/ No matter what they say/ You’ll be here in my heart/ Always

I love you, my darling Christopher. You are not a mistake.


For one so small/ You seem so strong/ My arms will hold you/ Keep you safe and warm
This bond between us/ Can’t be broken/ I will be here/ Don’t you cry

If you feel like you’re a mistake, listen to this song and imagine it’s God singing it to you. He’s got you wrapped up in His arms and He will protect you and take care of you. He loves you no matter when you were born or what you’ve done. Rest in His love today.


  1. Mary

    Such a truly special gift from God! Our bond will never be broken! Love you to the moon and back, C-Man!!!

  2. annette thrall

    I remember the day Christopher was born like it was yesterday. Looking at this scared, young, but strong mom to be… somehow managing to crack jokes and laugh in between contractions. Afterwards, your mom and I went to the coffee shop and were chatting about how hard it is being a single mom these days. We both knew you had the spunk and attitude to do it, but also knew it wasn’t going to be an easy rode to travel. If only we had that crystal ball to see into the future all our fears would be for not. God bless you and your sweet family.

  3. Allison Laidig

    Hi Annette! What a beautiful and sweet comment. It brought tears to my eyes. I know it looks like it doesn’t come through, but we approve the comments first, so rest assured, it’s working! I am so thankful for you and Randy and the support you have given to me over the years. I feel so blessed to have had strong women to help hold me up and show me what it means to be a mom and now a good wife! Love you!

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