Stop the BOOing!

Every single one’s got a story to tell

Even just the first notes of this song get me in the mood to watch some football!

I recently went to a college game and boy was it a good time! I’ve never really even noticed this before at games, but I feel I’ve had a change of heart about this one specific part of sports: the booing! This is just me giving you a little something to think about…

When the team started running out on the field, the whole stadium was joining in to let the other team know that they don’t approve. Fans even boo’ed the marching band of the opposing team! Now what has that band done to you? During this event, I looked up at a guy behind me and said, “Don’t boo them…They’re humans too!” Unfortunately, I didn’t persuade him. Boo. (Pun intended.)

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m crazy competitive and love to win, but you can be a fan without making the other team feel unwelcome. I know it sounds outrageous, but it is possible!

What if sporting events were full of encouragement and “positive vibes” like people are always saying they are sending? What if we built up our team and didn’t tear down the other one?

What if this wasn’t only happening in stadiums but in all parts of life? I think the world would be a different place!

If we followed these, we’d change lives. We’d be the best cheerleaders the world has ever seen!

• Therefore encourage one another and build one another up. -1 Thessalonians 5:11
• Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up… -Ephesians 4:29
• So let’s agree to use all our energy in getting along with each other. Help others with encouraging words; don’t drag them down by finding fault. -Romans 14:19

My challenge for you this year: stop the booing! Stop the booing on and off the field. Cheer on your team, your people, your kids, and your friends like the fanatic you are, but leave the other team alone. They are humans, too and

“Every single one’s got a story to tell…”

This is just the soundtrack of our life.


  1. Anonymous

    I agree! We spend so much time criticizing! It seems to be our default response. They’ll know we are Christians by how we love other Christians! Let’s make em wish that they were not on the outside lookin bored!

  2. Elaine

    Agreed. At school in the gym it says, “Win or Lose, Skip the Boos”

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