This Is Me

When the sharpest words wanna cut me down
I’m gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out
I am brave, I am bruised
I am who I’m meant to be, this is me

First of all, can we all just stop for a second and talk about the amazing music that can be found in The Greatest Showman soundtrack? Our family is addicted.

On another note, I feel like I’m finally beginning to learn what people have been telling me for years… to be myself. Does this happen when you get into your 30s?! I am really loving the feeling. For a long time, I’d be embarrassed to wear certain clothes, do my hair a certain way, or even act goofy around certain people. I wanted to fit in and be who I thought other people wanted me to be – or maybe even pretend to be who they thought I was. I’d only let certain parts of myself out – hoping no one would see who I really am – a dirty, rotten sinner, broken and bruised from all of life’s falls.

Daniel bought me a poncho from Ecuador a couple of years ago. It was beautiful and cozy soft. To be honest though, I was afraid to wear it in Indiana. Why? I thought people would think I was out of my mind to be wearing something so different than everyone else here. Finally, I put that poncho on and wore it with confidence. I loved it! I felt like it broke down a barrier and brought out a person I had been hiding from because I was trying to fit in.

I am not a stranger to the dark
Hide away, they say
‘Cause we don’t want your broken parts
I’ve learned to be ashamed of all my scars
Run away, they say
No one’ll love you as you are

The world tells us it doesn’t want us as broken people. Look at celebrities… every little thing they do wrong, they are criticized. Headlines are written. People are judged. I just want to take a second to say I’m so glad I’m not a celebrity or a reality tv star where cameras are watching my every move!

Truth is, we all mess up sometimes, and we we’re also all created differently and uniquely. Let’s celebrate the diversities in our world and give grace to those who need it after they mess up! If we’ve accepted Jesus as our personal Savior, this is what he offers to us, and I’m so thankful!

Soooo, maybe you’re interested to learn a little bit about me. Daniel decided he’d join in too so you can get to know both of us! I’m also totally interested to learn more about you. Please comment below and answer some or all of these questions! When you comment, we have to “approve” it first, so don’t be surprised when it doesn’t show up right away!

1.Write one word that describes you as a person. Allison: Perseverant Daniel: Intentional

2. Who was the most influential teacher you ever had? Why?
Allison: My band director, Mr. Sherrick. He taught me the value of hard work and never giving up. He had great character and was also real with us. He modeled giving 100%, and he taught me how to be a leader with my peers.
Daniel: Nancy Rusch, my creative writing teacher. She cared more about me as a person than just getting the tasks done. We are still in contact to this day!

3. If you could have lunch with a famous person, living or dead, who would it be? Why?
Allison: Mother Teresa- I love the way she lived for others who could do nothing for her in return. I’d love to hear all the life lessons she discovered working with those in poverty. 
Edmund Hillary- He was the first person to summit Mt. Everest. After that, he spent a significant part of his life devoted to the people in the Himalayas. I’d love to hear his heart about wanting to help and do good for others.

4. What are three of your favorite things to do?
Allison: Listening to music and singing with my kids, baking cookies (and eating cookie dough!), and loving on lonely people
Daniel: Mountaineering, experiencing new cultures, and meeting new people

5. What are your goals for the next year?
Allison: Spread love to people in my circle and build intentional relationships with them and start a women’s small group
Daniel: Be more intentional with exercising, marriage, and sharing God’s love with others

6. What are three of your favorites? (food, ice cream flavor, drink, sport, team, activity, travel destination, etc.)
Allison: I love fruity candy, Peanut Butter Cup ice cream, and traveling to warm beaches anywhere!
Daniel: My favorite place is home. My favorite book is Into Thin Air, and my favorite drink is Blanton’s Bourbon.

7.  What are you passionate about?
Allison: Kids- teaching them to love well – and moms- encouraging them and giving them tools for success
Daniel: I’m passionate about not being luke warm in life. I need to be all in for God!

8. What’s one thing you might not know about me?
Allison: I’m learning Spanish!
Daniel: I grew up without running water or electricity in a village in Indonesia!

Don’t hide away. Be yourself! You are beautifully and wonderfully made!!! And if no one has ever told you that, I’m telling right now that there is a God who believes it 100 percent.

This is just the soundtrack of our life.



  1. Julie Unrue

    I want to join your small group! Keep me posted please!!

  2. Allison Laidig

    Aw! I definitely will!

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