Shut Out the World

Have you ever felt like this around the holidays?

Charlie Brown: [Yells into mailbox] Hello in there.
[looks away and soon begins to walk]
Charlie Brown: Rats. Nobody sent me a Christmas card today. I almost wish there weren’t a holiday season. I know nobody likes me. Why do we have to have a holiday season to emphasize it?

I know people love me. I know I have so much for which to be grateful, but sometimes I think all these commercials and movies make me feel like I’m missing something. I miss the kids so much when they’re gone. Being a blended family is really hard around this time of year – coordinating schedules, planning get togethers, spending time together…it’s not easy. If you have a blended family, I am sure you can relate.

In this Christmas season, there’s so much expectation. It’s really hard to drown it out, but sometimes it’s worth it to try. Tonight I am lighting candles, turning on worship music and finding the beauty in my Jesus, the one who came to this world as a tiny babe, fully God and fully human, to show us how to live and then to die for our sins. What a beautiful miracle. I tear up just taking time to shut out the world and dwell on that thought.

Maybe your holidays are hard and you miss your family, can’t afford presents or have a spouse who is overseas. Maybe you’re missing your mom or dad or your child, wishing they were here on earth again with you this time of year. I’m praying for all of you. If you are lonely and need a hug, stop by for some hot cocoa and a chitchat.

Because some people don’t relate with why we celebrate Christmas, we’ve come to believe that presents, cookies, and new cars with big bows are what we need for our Christmas to be perfect. But maybe, just maybe, that’s not the case.

I usually put the lyrics at the beginning of the blog, and I usually don’t put all of them… But tonight, I asked my dear friend Kim to pray for me because I was having a really hard time. She sent me this song, and the tears flowed. This will definitely become one of my on my knees, crying out prayers when things are shaky and my legs can’t stand. These lyrics are so good. This song… it’s beautiful. Please listen to it and read the lyrics, too. Maybe you’ll end up bawling like I did.

A million expectations
Ringing in my ears
Telling me who I should be and what I should do
I’m surrounded by these voices
But right now there’s only one I need to hear
So for a moment or two

Help me shut out the world
Til it’s just you and me
Til you’re all that I want
And you’re all I can see
Teach my heart to be still
Before I make my next move
Help me shut out the world
And listen to you

In the middle of this madness
Be my solitude
And  in the chaos
Come and be my quiet place
Lord meet me in this moment
I’m lifting up this crowded heart to you
Because you are my prince of peace

Help me shut out the world
Til it’s just you and me
Til you’re all that I want
And you’re all I can see
Teach my heart to be still
Before I make my next move
Help me shut out the world
And listen to you

Before I’m back in the world
That’s waiting outside my door
I need to be still and know
You are Lord

Help me shut out the world
Til it’s just you and me
Til you’re all that I want
And you’re all I can see
Teach my heart to be still
Before I make my next move
Help me shut out the world

And listen
And listen to you

Especially in this season of hustle and bustle, take some time to shut out the world and remember why we celebrate.

“He puzzled and puzzled till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before. Maybe Christmas, he thought… doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps… means a little bit more!” – From How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

Thank you, sweet baby Jesus, for coming to this world to die for our crazy shenanigans.

Love you all. Merry Christmas!
– Allison (and Daniel)


  1. Lila Ritschard

    Daniel, Allison and family; your so very special to so many who love and adore you. God knew what he was doing when He brought Allison into your life Daniel. She is the perfect life partner for my “perfect( tounge in cheek;-)” grandson. I so love you all. Your just one of the many blessings that God continues to bless me and surprise me with. Actually I am suppose to be dying and here He goes daily showering me with so many blessings and new things that I am more alive now that ever… explain that to me if you can… hugs and kisses get well soon so I can do that in person…Grandma L

  2. Anonymous

    Merry Christmas Daniel and Allison. Much love, Rick and Steph Gerbeth (from Core class)

  3. Anonymous

    Sometimes in my life, alone with Him was the safest place in the world!..and I didn’t want to walk away from it. That’s what He wants us to see, so He takes away other things we may begin to cherish above Him for a time, to remind us that He is enough, and then He continues to give more than all we ask or imagine! <3 Merry Christmas!

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